If you’re encountering the problem of not receiving SBCGlobal emails after you log in to your SBCGlobal.net email then, do not worry and have a look on the below-mentioned table that contains the possible causes as well as their solutions to fix the given problem:
Causes and Solution:
1. Firewall interrupting or blocking SBCGlobal Mail: Simply disable your ‘Windows Firewall’ in order to again start getting SBCGlobal emails. To do so, navigate from the ‘Windows Control Panel’ to the ‘Windows Firewall’ option and then, select the ‘Turn off’ option to simply disable it. 2. Mistakenly blacklisted the sender’s email ID: To remove/unblock the sender’s email address from the blacklist, navigate yourself from SBCGlobal email ‘Settings’ to ‘Junk Mail’ options in order to click on the ‘Block Senders’ list and remove the email addresses from whom you want to receive emails. 3. Faulty server: Check whether the email server is down or not. If yes, contact your network administrator to fix it, and after that login to your account to again start receiving SBCGlobal emails.
To know more details: https://emailspedia.com/fix-sbcglobal-email-login-problems/